Concise Minutes - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue: Senedd

Committee room 3

Meeting date: Monday, 13 June 2022

Meeting time: 14.00 - 16.40
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Jack Sargeant MS (Chair)

Luke Fletcher MS

Joel James MS

Buffy Williams MS


Alistair Davey, Welsh Government

Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services

Mark Bird, Greyhound Board of Great Britain

Professor Madeleine Campbell, Greyhound Board of Great Britain

Lord David Lipsey, Greyhound Racing

Malcolm Tams, The Valley Greyhound Stadium

David Cartwright

Committee Staff:

Gareth Price (Clerk)

Mared Llwyd (Second Clerk)

Kayleigh Imperato (Deputy Clerk)

Sian Thomas



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies.

Luke Fletcher declared that he is a member of Greyhound Rescue Wales and have sponsored several events for Hope Rescue as well in the Senedd.




2       Evidence session - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement


The Committee heard evidence from Julie Morgan, MS and Deputy Minister for Social Services and Allister Davey, Deputy Director, Enabling People in the Welsh Government.




3       New Petitions



3.1   P-06-1271 Acquire the land from Network Rail on which ATR884 runs as a permissive path and arrange maintenance

Luke Fletcher MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

The petitioner is known to him.

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write again to the Minister to ask if she could provide the Committee with an update once officials have discussed the maintenance arrangements and plans for improvements with Bridgend County Borough Council.




3.2   P-06-1272 Ban the use of 'no pet clauses' in tenancy agreements in Wales

Jack Sargeant MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

The petitioner is known to him and in the 5th Senedd he published a report with a number of charities, both in the housing and homelessness sector and in the animal welfare sector, called a pet 'paw-licy'.


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write  back to Minister seek further clarification on the points raised by the petitioner including:





3.3   P-06-1276 Extend section 25B of the Nurse Staffing Levels Act (Wales) 2016

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to Business Committee to request a plenary debate early in the autumn term.




3.4   P-06-1278 Introduce parenting lessons and basic life skills for High School pupils

The Committee considered the petition and in light of the Minister’s response which now indicates that the onus is now on schools to identify the life skill lessons that they want to teach their students, agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner for raising awareness of the issue.




3.5   P-06-1279 End inconsistency in Covid guidance. Let schools have the same flexibility as cinemas or stadiums

Due there being no Covid-19 regulations in place now, and schools able to make decisions about what is appropriate for their community, the Committee agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.




3.6   P-06-1280 Cancel AS and A Level exams within Wales for the summer of 2022

The Committee considered the petition and recognised the significant challenges learners, teachers and parents have faced during the pandemic and the ongoing impact. Given that learners began sitting their A and AS levels on 16 May 2022, and in light of the mitigating actions taken by Welsh Government to ease some of the pressure on our young people, Members agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.




4       Evidence session - P-06-1253 Ban greyhound racing in Wales

The Committee heard evidence from, Lord (David) Lipsey, Chair of Premier Greyhound Racing; Malcolm Tams, The Valley Greyhound Stadium; Mark Bird, CEO of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain; Professor Madeleine Campbell, Independent Board member of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain and David Cartwright

Owner of dogs that race at Valley Greyhounds.




5       Updates to previous petitions



5.1   P-05-1112 Help Welsh Communities Buy Community Assets: Implement Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to wait until the Local Government & Housing Committee concludes the work they are currently undertaking on the issue and discuss the petition again at a future meeting.



5.2   P-06-1163 Extend the postgraduate STEMM bursary to all MSc students in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and noted that the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill 2021 has now passed Stage 2, and Stage 3 proceedings are scheduled for Tuesday 21 June 2022. Members agreed to discuss the petition again at a future meeting once Stage 3 proceedings have concluded.




5.3   P-06-1184 Immediately ban the use of toxic lead in all ammunition in Wales... lead is killing our wildlife!

Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:


He is a member of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to continue to keep a watching brief until the conclusion of the consultation undertaken as part of the UK Reach work programme which is scheduled to end in November 2022.



5.4   P-06-1212 Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all open water sites in Wales

The Chair provided an update on the recent work that the Committee has undertaken on the petition. A draft report will now be prepared and written information which is currently being collected from a number of  families, will also feed in to that. Members agreed that a debate in plenary should happen in autumn term.


Members also placed their thanks on record to all the families who have been involved with the work on the petition.



5.5   P-06-1228 Give secondary teachers a bonus for marking and standardizing summer 2021 official assessments

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write back to the Minister to seek answers to some of the questions raised in the report recently published by Qualification Wales.




5.6   P-06-1235 Ensure appropriate provision of services and support for people with Acquired Brain Injury in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write one final time to the Minister to seek answers to some of the questions raised by the petitioner in their recent correspondence.




5.7   P-06-1241 Welsh government to meet with a wider audience of unpaid carers

The Committee considered the petition and agreed that there is little further they can do on the issue as a Committee, however it is possible for Members to champion the lived-experience of carers in future work and on the floor of the Chamber. Members agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.




5.8   P-06-1248 Change Standing Orders and admissibility criteria for petitions

The Committee considered the petition and in light of the response received from the Llywydd agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.


Whilst doing so, the Committee encouraged members of the public to engage with their newly elected local councillors on local issues.




6       P-06-1181 Sea bottom trawling is killing our marine wildlife...Stop bulldozing our seas!

The paper was noted.



7       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting

The motion was agreed.




8       Discussion of evidence - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement

The Committee discussed the evidence heard and welcomed the Minister’s commitment to the lived experience of people in care. They agreed that outputs from the inquiry must be produced in ways that are accessible to young people.




9       Discussion of evidence -  P-06-1253 Ban greyhound racing in Wales

The Committee discussed the evidence heard and agreed to seek an update from Caerphilly CBC regarding the proposed developments to the Valley Stadium.





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